Pipe Dream

There is a condition cleaners refer to as ‘nose blindness’, whereby a person spends so much time around a bad smell that they no longer notice it.

When it comes to nose blindness, pipes and drains are offender numero uno. The cause of odour varies depending on the location of the drain and how it is used.

Some smelly drains are an indication of a more serious issue which may call for a plumber instead of a cleaner, however here are some factors you can rule out when investigating the source of a stinky drain:

  1. Kitchen drains. Pieces of food washed down the sink without a sink strainer over time can rot and eventually cause blockages. Oil and grease can also build up on the sides of pipes after cooling and catch food.

  2. Bathroom and shower drains. Stray hairs from brushing or shaving can be washed down sinks and catch soap and water, eventually forming scum and mould and causing blockages. Products such as moisturisers, oils and exfoliators can also linger in drain pipes.

  3. Laundry and outdoor sinks. Washing sand after the beach, dirt, mud, and pieces of sticks or leaves without a sink strainer can cause gradual blockages which become mouldy and SMELLY!

A regular cleaning schedule helps to keep sinks and sink strainers clean and prevent debris from being rinsed down.

A professional cleaning service can also carry out regular drain flushing to flush out superficial build up to prevent major blockages.

Earth Cleaning can flush out your drains upon request using gentle, artisan products.


Mould Rush


Dust ‘til Dawn